A great Year

Thank you all for this awesome year.
Eigthteen film festivals, three great trips, one award from Houston, touring around Africa (Cinecicleta).
  See you in 2016, India, 'Voices from Waters Film Festival'.

Next dive : Nassau, Bahamas

Wednesday, December 9 / 1:00pm
Melia Hotel

pd: Our best wishes Leslie & Bahamas Crew ¡¡

New Ways of Exhibition

We are going to test www.indiereign.com to open new ways of distribution and exhibition.
Coming soon at your screens.

Thank you all for this incredible underwater trip 

pd: After two monts trying to upload and validate the film we decline this plattform.
No mail, support or contact during this period.

At Indiewire

'Wildlike,' 'India's Daughters' and More Set for 2015 Bahamas International Film Festival...

WORLD CINEMA DOCUMENTARY (Sponsored by CornèrTrader)
"Gored" (USA, Spain) / Director: Ido Mizrahy
"New Cambodian" (Cambodia) / Director: Isabella Astengo
"When Voices Meet" (South Africa) / Director: Nancy Sutton Smith
"Every Child Counts" (Canada) / Director: Wendy Loten

Spots Creative Commons

 Tuesday 27th · 18:30h · "Dauntless Sally" & "Hydro"
Tuesday 27th · 20:30h · "Acqua" & "La Luz de Mafasca"
Wednesday 28th · 18:30h · "Ciudad XXI" y "Alpha"
Wednesday 28th · 20:30h · "Sikitiko - La Mano del Rey" & "Crudo Paraíso"

More info: lpgcc.com

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria CC Film Festival

Next 27th October. Free Entrance

Our best wishes for the Festival.
Thanks so much Filippo.
We will meet you next ¡

Prophetic Poster

 Our Telemaco continues his trip

CINECICLETA : The African Tour

Hydro joins CINECICLETA an amazing project to travel around africa with a 
non-electric cinema. Future dates of screening soon.
Our best wishes Carmelo & Isa.

Cali CC Film Festival - Colombia

“Compartir la mirada”
Proyección y conversatorio a modo de taller de la película colaborativa Hydro, dirigida por Xavi Tello y Rafa G. Sánchez. Es parte de las actividades del Creative Commons Cali Film Festival, que se llevará acabo del 21 al 24de octubre de 2015.
Coopera: Festival Creative Commons
Fecha: Domingo, 27 Jueves 
Hora: 5:00 p.m
Lugar: Tienda Nueva Luz, Vereda Peón

Coming back to Bogota

This Thursday 17th of September, at 7.00 pm, HYDRO will be screened at
Teatrino - Cinemateca Distral inside the program of
Excperimental Film Festival of Bogotá
We hope all of you enjoy the trip.
Thank you all.

Chilean Tour

Hydro is at Chile, and it will be screened 21th August Futaleufú
Next underwater trips at Chile Chico 9th y 10th of September

Mestic 2015 Bogota


Festival Creative Commons Bogotá

Creative Commons Bogotá y CineMigrante


(​Hydro) Xavi Tello & Rafa G. Sánchez
Documental | Global- 201​4 ​- ​70​’
HYDRO the film​, ​es una película submarina colectiva creada gracias a Internet y al uso de licencias colaborativas Creative Commons. Englobada dentro del género ‘Non-Verbal Film’ (películas no verbales) desarrollado por Ron Fricke (Baraka,1992), ofrece un viaje épico submarino acompañado de sonidos narrativos y grandes atsmósferas musicales , incluyendo grabaciones de casi todos los océanos, lagos y ríos, además de vídeos experimentales e incluso animación.
Un excelente producto audiovisual realizado de forma colaborativa Producida desde Alicante y que cuenta con la participación final de 56 cineastas y 15 músicos contando, entre otros, con la mítica banda americana ‘Fugazi’, impulsores en su momento del movimiento DIY (do it yourself).

a little refence at Arts & Cinema Academy of Spain

El buceador y realizador Xavi Tello y Rafa G. Sánchez son, entre otros, los nombres de Hydro the film, un viaje a las profundidades de la mano de más de 56 cineastas y 16 músicos donde imagen y música comparten protagonismo. Esta producción que ha pasado por varios festivales –Almería, San Sebastián, Alicante y Barcelona– es el resultado de un proyecto impulsado por Tello en 2013 para demostrar las posibilidades de las últimas innovaciones en cámaras HD para la filmación submarina.

Full article here

Next Step Vancouver ??

Thanks so much Tammy for the invitation.
We hope you enjoy with the underwater experience
and our best wishes for the festival

From WorldFest Houston

It arrived yestarday.
Our best wishes for all
worldfest crew

Canadian Premiere : Toronto


Our opening day and its fully FREE. A whole day of great films as part of our opening day celebration! Thanks to the support from the University of Toronto Scarborough, we are able to bring great cinematic works at not cost to our community.
 3 Feature Film and 3 Short Films will play at UTSC on June 2nd.

Hydro The Film
Screenings start at 12pm with “Hydro the Film” (Spain) – North American Premiere, an one hour documentary odyssey into the underwater world. A mesmerizing experience co-Presented with Planet In Focus Environmental Film Festival.
Screening with short film “Now I See” – North American Premiere, from Iran.

Magical River Theatre

Screening at Fiume River - Padova , Italy
9th River Film Festival.
Thanks very much to the people from Padova.
Really great days there ¡

Cinema Theatre

One Year Later...we did it.
21th May 2015 Hydro was screened at a big Cinema.
Now We have our DCP ready ¡¡

Thanks Carmen, Jorge and Panoramis Crew again and all of out people
that came to the cinema to see this underwater trip.

Teatro Mágico Submarino (Spanish Local Contest)

Si encuentras una entrada como esta, y nos escribes antes del 18 de Mayo, podrás asistir a una
experiencia única en los cines Panoramis de Alicante.
Ya que has tenido la curiosidad de entrar en esta página, y has llegado hasta aquí, mandanos una foto con la entrada numerada a hydrotheshow@gmail.com
una entrada doble será para ti.


If you find a ticket like this at Alicante before 18th May, write us to hydrotheshow@gmail.com to attend an underwater experience at Panoramis cinemas. Two real tickets will be yours.

Indie Production & Distribution Masterclass

Rafa G Sanchez & Xavi Tello at UMH (Spain)
May 2015
Contact Here ¡¡

DCP Cinema Test

Thanks Jorge & Carmen , Panoramis Cinema (Alicante) for the support


Testing 3D Hydro The film. Courtesy of Carmelo Sanz

Attend Radio Station

Our salute to Gestiona Radio Alicante Crew.
Thanks for the invitation to talk in your program.

Why you have to attend a film festival

Thanks Ana, it's great to meet people like you

Night Shot - Hydro Team

04 Maremostra Photocall

pd: thanks Paco, Esther & son, for your warm hospitality.

Cinema Premiere - Cineciutat (Mallorca)

Many Thanks to the people of Cineciutat, Mallorca (Spain),
and all Maremostra Crew


HYDRO the film is an underwater non verbal risky adaptation of Homer’s Odyssey, created thanks to the Internet and the use of collaborative Creative Commons licenses. Included at the genre Non-Verbal Film developed by Ron Fricke (Baraka,1992) ,offers a no-words epic trip, accompanied by sounds and large musical atmospheres. The footage includes recordings of almost all the oceans, lakes and rivers, experimental videos and animation. Produced by Xavi Tello, Juanpe Gimeno and Rafa G. Sanchez, this Epic Odyssey has been possible thanks to footage submitted by 56 filmmakers, and the music of 16 musicians, with the participation of the legendary American band ‘Fugazi’, supporters of the movement DIY (do it yourself)

Time: April, 30th. 16:30 – 17:30
Place: Cine Ciutat. Mallorca (Spain)

Full Page - Spanish Press

Thanks Afrika Prado

EFE AGENCY - Spanish press

Houston premia la película alicantina "Hydro The Film"

La cinta no verbal submarina, dirigida por los alicantinos Xavi Tello y Rafa G. Sánchez, ha sido grabada en 27 países

21.04.2015 | 14:41
Houston premia la película alicantina \"Hydro The Film\"
Houston premia la película alicantina "Hydro The Film"
Hydro the film, la primera película no verbal submarina, creada de forma colaborativa desde Alicante, tras su paso por 16 festivales en todo el mundo, acaba de ser galardonada con el segundo premio Remi en la sección dogma / experimental en el 48th Worldfest Houston, el festival independiente más antiguo de los Estados Unidos, descubridor en su día de directores como Spielberg, George Lucas, Ang Lee, y David Lynch, entre otros.
Creada bajo licencias creativecommons con material de 56 filmmakers de todo el mundo, la película ha sido grabada en 27 países. Un total de dieciséis músicos de todo el planeta han colaborado en ella, incluidos los de la banda americana 'Fugazi', impulsores del movimiento DIY (Do it yourself).
Hydro es una arriesgada adaptación no verbal de la Odisea de Homero, inspirada en la película no verbal 'Baraka' (1992) de Ron Fricke, dirigida por los alicantinos Xavi Tello y Rafa G. Sánchez, y con la producción y diseño de sonido de Juanpe Gimeno.
La película se exhibirá el próximo día 30 en Palma de Mallorca dentro del Festival Maremostra04 e inaugurará el 28 de mayo el 8th Riverfilmfestival de Padua (Italia).

Transfer Support

Public Thanks to Jaime Maestre & La Zertin (Alicante)
for your support & help to make the transfer to Bluray 5.1 surround.

Platinium Award from Houston

Platinum Award at Dogma / Experimental Section
Really Great Houston.

Dedicated to all people that follow us.
Enjoy the present.



2949 Dunvale, Houston, TX 77063


9:00 PM — 11:00 PM

Culture Map

An Experimental Fish Dish
Filmed in 27 countries by 56 filmmakers aided by 16 musicians, Hydro is a stunning (at least the trailer is) and wordless sort-of documentary adaptation of Homer’s Odyssey filmed entirely beneath the oceans’ surface. 
April 11 at 9 p.m.

PechaKucha 20x20 (Spanish)

20 frames & 20 Secons , really great experience

Recorded by Alicante PechaKucha crew

December 2014. Las Cigarreras, Alicante, Spain

Three days at Lucknow - India

Next 8th, 11th & 15th April, Hydro will be screened at 
7th CMS Children's Internatinal Film Festival at Lucknow India


Texas Premiere

Our Turtle continues his trip

Many thanks all HOUSTON WorldFest crew ¡¡